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Customer Support Advisor - Dutch Speaking
Filippijnen, PasayFilippijnen, Pasay

Customer Support Advisor - Dutch Speaking

Publicatie datum 16.01.2025

1 hebben gesolliciteerd

Company Description

Sports betting, gaming and interactive entertainment is changing, and we're leading that change. By putting people first. By placing exciting, engaging and entertaining experiences at more fingertips than ever before. We're pulling into pole position by pushing boundaries further. With innovation. With technology. But most importantly, with people like you. Because when you join Entain, it's your game. So let's win together.

Job Description

As a Customer Support Advisor - Dutch Speaking you will be reporting to the Customer Support Team Manager you will be part of the Customer Service Department.

Are you looking for a great opportunity to develop your skills? Are you a flexible, driven and solution oriented person with an open mindset? Are you a real people's person with amazing customer service skills?

Seize the opportunity and find out more about us!

We're looking for real team players to be a part of Entain and provide professional support to our customers.

What you will do

• Provide award winning standard service across all contact channels as required through all communication channels (voice and non-voice) whilst maintaining service levels and efficiencies

• Provide first time resolution to customer contacts ensuring a positive and engaging service for the customer

• Improve and optimise customer value through maximising customer conversion and retention opportunities utilising company marketing initiatives and the 'Sales through Service' mentality

• Proactively escalate any issues to ensure the customer receives a resolution to their query

  • Contact Centre and Customer Service Experience - an advantage
  • Fluent in English and Dutch - written and spoken to an excellent standard - a must
  • A great attitude and desire to help our customers
  • Reliable with a strong work ethic
  • A flexible approach to work schedules and shift patterns
  • Able to react to company needs
  • A proactive and 'can do' approach
  • Confidence to interact with customers through a variety of communication methods including voice, email and live chat with the ability to multi-task
  • Can work independently and within a team
  • Quality of service and going the extra mile is at the heart of your service approach

Additional Information

At Entain, we know that signing top players requires a great starting package, and plenty of support to inspire peak performance. Join us, and a competitive salary is just the beginning.

Depending on your role and location, you can expect to receive benefits like
  • A permanent work contract for 40 hours
  • The possibility to grow and develop in an exciting industry
  • Awesome team of very knowledgeable & supportive colleagues
  • A modern and dynamic working environment

And outside of this, you'll have the chance to turn recognition from leaders and colleagues into amazing prizes, join a winning team of talented people and be a part of an inclusive and supporting community where everyone is celebrated for being themselves.

Should you need any adjustments or accommodations to the recruitment process, at either application or interview, please contact us.

At Entain, we do what's right. It's one of our core values and that's why we're taking the lead when it comes to creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive future - for our people, and the wider global sports betting and gaming sector. However you identify, our ambition is to ensure our people across the globe feel valued, respected and their individuality celebrated.

At Entain, we do what's right. It's one of our core values and that's why we're taking the lead when it comes to creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive future - for our people, and the wider global sports betting and gaming sector. However you identify, our ambition is to ensure our people across the globe feel valued, respected and their individuality celebrated.

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

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