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Meer vacatures in Bulgarije

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Associate Revenue Controller with Dutch


Level 1 Agent with Dutch and English

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

VIP Manager - Flemish Market

Business Analyst with Dutch (Remote)
Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Business Analyst with Dutch (Remote)

Publicatie datum 14.01.2025

We are looking for a Dutch speaking Analyst to join our growing team. We will be happy to welcome you onboard in our remote team working from around the globe.

Dare to have a mission:
• Collaborate with stakeholders to understand business requirements and processes.
• Manage change inquiries, and analyze impacts and risk factors.
• Work closely with business users to gather and document requirements for new initiatives or enhancements to existing systems.
• Developing comprehensive process maps and documentation to streamline workflows and enhance operational efficiency.
• Create user manuals and documentation.
• Act as a liaison between technical and business stakeholders, facilitating effective communication, and understanding.
• Execute the implementation phase, and translating plans into action by overseeing the deployment of solutions.
• Collect, analyze, and interpret data from various sources to identify trends, patterns, and insights.

The tools in your backpack:
• Dutch & English C2
• 1 - 2 years of experience as a Business Analyst, Product Owner or similar role.
• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
• Knowledge of different methodologies and experience with at least one (Scrum, Waterfall, Agile).
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
• Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.
• Ability to effectively gather and comprehend requirements, enabling a holistic understanding of a project or task's entire scope and intricacies.

Bonus points for:
• Proficiency in SQL and Excel, including advanced functions and formulas.
• Experience with data visualization tools (e.g., Power BI, DAX) is a plus.
• Experience in the BPO industry.

Our recipe for a great life in Bulgaria:
• The opportunity to participate in our new nomadic economy, instead of watching it happen from the side-lines
• A personalized career development program
• An environment where your opinion matters, and you manage your own work-life balance
• International and dynamic workplace
• Onsite access to co-working spaces, meeting rooms, an event rooftop, communal kitchens, sports, and leisure areas & parking
• Competitive remuneration and social welfare package (such as 25 days annual paid leave, private health insurance, and various community benefits and events)
• Low cost of living in parallel with low personal income tax, growing your purchasing power to wine, dine and travel & work abroad & remote!

= TOTAL(LY): amazing life & work with WorkNomads

About the docking station:

WorkNomads is a global employer for digital nomads, empowering people to live life their way, offering flexible co-living and remote and project-based jobs.

Interest peaked? Join us!

We celebrate the right of every human to be themselves and provide opportunities for global talent to shine. Diversity, social equity, and inclusion are at the core of who we are. We create an environment where different voices are respected, heard and empowered in equal measure. We're breaking down the boundaries by designing a new nomadic economy by enabling people to do what they love and be where they want.

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

Meer vacatures in Bulgarije

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Associate Revenue Controller with Dutch


Level 1 Agent with Dutch and English

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

VIP Manager - Flemish Market

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Vind jouw appartement in Bulgarije


Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

3-bedroom apartment for rent in Sofia







Mijn verblijf


Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

1-bedroom apartment for rent in Geo Milev, Sofia






Mijn verblijf


Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

2-bedroom apartment for rent in Sofia







Mijn verblijf


Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Apartment in Sofia





Mijn verblijf


Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Studio in Sofia




Mijn verblijf


Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Whole 2 bedrooms apartment in Sofia







Mijn verblijf


Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Apartment in Sofia






Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Room in shared apartment in Sofia






Mijn verblijf