Frankrijk, ParijsFrankrijk, Parijs

CDD -Bilingual client advisor Dutch/English (W/M)

Publicatie datum 15.09.2024

10 hebben gesolliciteerd

Job Description

Hermès is looking for a bilingual customer advisor, bilingual in Dutch and English for its European e-commerce entity and customer relation center.

Who are we?

The European e-commerce entity is responsible for the online distribution of Hermès products in 17 European countries, as well as the customer service for European stores. The Hermès Distribution Europe team currently consists of more than 70 people divided into five teams: e-Retail Merchandising, Finance and Projects, Traffic Acquisition and Data Performance, HR, and e-Retail Management.

Within the e-Retail Department, you will work in one of the front office teams made up of 50 client service enthusiasts who operate on two levels:
  • Management from A to Z of the relationship with our European e-commerce customers.

Single point of contact for end customers wishing to contact European stores.

What will your mission be?

As an ambassador for Hermès, you will be entirely dedicated to the satisfaction of the end customers of our House, both in e-commerce and retail.

You will join a multicultural team and particularly the one in charge of Northern European countries (UK, Benelux, Nordics). Our human-sized environment favors a close-knit management, based on collaborative work, team spirit, and mutual support.

What will your daily life look like?

In a multilingual and multitasking context, you will be the single point of contact of our customers. Your main missions will be the following:

1/ Follow-up from A to Z of interactions with our European e-commerce customers
  • Receive, analyze, green-light, and follow up on European e-commence orders until they are received.
  • Interact by phone, e-mail, and chat with e-commerce customers, advise them, develop sales.
  • Make outgoing calls in order to have a proactive approach towards certain clients of the House, in a spirit of service.
  • Be a driving force behind any initiative aimed at improving the e-commerce customer experience.

2/ Single point of contact for end customers wishing to contact European stores
  • Handle inbound calls for stores:
    • Assist our customers contacting our stores, guide them, and offer them a qualitative and seamless omnichannel experience.
    • Ensure, as a point of contact, the quality of the relationship with our clients, but also with our stores, in a spirit of service.
  • Provide most extensive product information to customers (characteristics, availability, reservations, and so on), or any other useful information, communicate on procedures (purchases, returns, exchanges), and ensure follow-up with the store concerned.

Is this job for you?
  • Empathetic and kind, you have a strong sense of service, and put customers at the heart of your concerns. Keen on tailor-made solutions, you have strong interpersonal skills, and excellent oral and writing skills in Dutch and English.
  • Assertive, you have a capacity of analysis, autonomy, very good stress (dispute resolution) management skills, and a sharp sense of priorities.
  • You show agility with office tools.
  • You appreciate teamwork and are recognized as a great team player.
  • You have experience in the hotel, retail, or e-commerce sectors, and/or have a background in these areas. Experience in dealing directly with a demanding and international clientele would be an asset.

If you recognize yourself in this description, apply now!

Contractual information
  • Fixed-term and permanent contracts, 35 hours and 30 minutes a week, based in Paris (12th arrondissement).
  • Working days: Monday to Friday, with one Saturday worked per month.

About Us

Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde. Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable. L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception. Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.

About the Team

Division d'Hermès Sellier, Hermès Distribution Europe assure, opérationnellement, la distribution en ligne des produits Hermès dans 17 pays européens ; et assure (ra) le service client de l'ensemble des succursales de la zone.
Organisée en 5 pôles (CRC, Finance & Opérations, e-retail merchandising, Traffic & Performance et RH), cette division joue un rôle central dans la transformation omnicanale du Retail européen

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

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