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Meer vacatures in Bulgarije


Sr Assistant, People Services Admin BeLux with Dutch/French language skills

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Billing Associate with Dutch

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

VIP Manager - Flemish Market

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Business Analyst with Dutch (Remote)

Customer Service Associate with Dutch

Customer Service Associate with Dutch

Publicatie datum 03.10.2024

Company Description

About Playtech

Founded in 1999, the company has a premium listing on theain Market of the London Stock Exchange and is focused on regulated and regulating markets across its B2B and B2C businesses. Both divisions leverage Playtech's proprietary technology to deliver innovative products and services to ensure a safe, engaging and entertaining gaming experience. Playtech is the gaming industry's leading technology company delivering business intelligence-driven gaming software, services, content, and platform technology across the industry. Read more about who we are and what we do here:

Here at Playtech, we genuinely believe that people are our biggest asset. Diverse thoughts, experiences, and individual characteristics enrich our work environment and lead to better business decisions. Recognizing differences and ensuring our processes are transparent is the core of Playtech's overall commitment to responsible business practices.

Ready to level up your career?

Playtech Managed Services' Customer Service team is looking for a communicative and proactive Dutch-speaking associate.

Job Description

Your influential mission. You will...
  • Help to deliver exceptional gaming experiences to our clients by providing outstanding customer support.
  • Handle queries of existing customers via chat, e-mail, and/or phone calls.
  • Use a professional and friendly approach in assisting with queries.
  • Be empowered to resolve any customer issue.
  • Follow our company's procedures and keep up with the standards.
  • Meet predetermined personal and team targets.


Components for success. You...
  • Have high-level verbal and written Dutch skills.
  • Are fluent in English.
  • Demonstrate advanced computer literacy.
  • Possess excellent communication and multi-tasking abilities.
  • Embrace teamwork, knowledge-sharing, and a supportive team environment.
  • Present a strong commitment to achieving the team's goals and targets.
  • Have the flexibility to work shifts to accommodate both your personal and professional commitments.

You'll get extra points for...
  • Having experience in customer support or client-facing roles.

Additional Information

Thrive in a culture that values...
  • Contribution and achievements by offering performance bonuses and ample opportunities for internal growth.
  • Employees' health and well-being through comprehensive health and dental insurance plans, life insurance, MultiSport card, employee assistance program and food, travel, and wellness allowances.
  • Work-life balance by providing 25 days of paid annual leave, allowing you to relax and recharge.
  • Continuous growth with company-sponsored seminars, training programs, social activities, and events, guiding your professional journey and helping you achieve your career goals.
  • Celebrating life events with additional bonuses such as newlywed, and baby bonuses.

Established in 2007 in Sofia, Bulgaria, Playtech Management Services, a company of Playtech Group has grown into a thriving hub of 500 dedicated professionals, fostering a culture of collaboration, respect, and support. Specializing in customer support and risk management services for leading gaming platforms worldwide, our teams boast industry-leading response times and expertise. At Playtech Managed Services, we prioritize the personal and professional development of our team members, offering opportunities for both horizontal and vertical growth. Our dedicated employees invest their time and expertise in our success, and in return, we invest our passion in them. We provide a fun, creative, rewarding, and inspiring environment where individuals have the freedom to express themselves.

Playtech is an equal opportunities employer. Our mission is to welcome everyone and create inclusive teams. We celebrate differences and encourage everyone to join us and be themselves at work.

Videos To Watch

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

Meer vacatures in Bulgarije


Sr Assistant, People Services Admin BeLux with Dutch/French language skills

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Billing Associate with Dutch

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

VIP Manager - Flemish Market

Bulgarije, SofiaBulgarije, Sofia

Business Analyst with Dutch (Remote)

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