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Meer vacatures in Polen

Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

Business Development Representative with Dutch-English (Krakow)

Hulp bij verhuizing

Polen, WarschauPolen, Warschau

Accounts Receivable Specialist with German and Dutch

Polen, WrocawPolen, Wrocaw

Executive Assistant with Dutch (hybrid model)

Polen, PoznanPolen, Poznan

Junior P&C Services Specialist with Dutch, Ingka Business Service Center

Polen, GdanskPolen, Gdansk

Identity and Access Management Analyst with Spanish or Dutch or Polish

Polen, PoznanPolen, Poznan

P&C Services Specialist with Dutch, Ingka Business Service Center


People Data & Payroll Administration Specialist with Dutch

Polen, WarschauPolen, Warschau

LQA Game Tester with Dutch

Polen, WarschauPolen, Warschau

Service& Spare Parts Coordination Specialist with Dutch

Distribution Scheduling Support - Dutch speaker
Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

Distribution Scheduling Support - Dutch speaker

Publicatie datum 09.08.2018

Royal Dutch Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies, operating in over 80 countries and territories and employing more than 90,000 people. Our core values of Honesty, Integrity and Respect for People define who we are and how we work. Royal Dutch Shell has developed a global network of Shell Business Operations to provide first-class services to Shell companies across the world. Shell Business Operations (SBO) Krakow sits at the centre of Shell’s global businesses, providing an operational backbone to our essential business functions. Working in a vibrant community with strong values and a supportive culture, an SBO-Krakow job will offer the chance to build a lasting and meaningful career. As one of seven Business Operations centres, located worldwide, a job in Krakow will give you the chance to interact and work with people across the world, helping to deliver excellent support to business clients and internal stakeholders as well as advanced financial operations. Shell is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer of Minorities, Females, LGBT Equality and Individuals with Disabilities. Job Purpose: To liaise with drivers, hauliers, customers (IVR), CSC and scheduling teams to perform amendments to the schedule during its execution, manage customer enquiries and process urgent orders. Principal Accountabilities:
  • Primary contact point for the hauliers to advise truck drivers of necessary amendments to plan- is expected to perform all the regular DSS duties and responsibilities for all the countries in the cluster
  • Act as Senior Back up- in operational matters and issues with the DSS team, when the DSS Senior is off/on leave or is attending meetings etc; This is specifically related to leading Huddles.
  • Support and deliver expertise in business performance calls
  • Participate in stakeholder meetings such as Retail/dealer engagements, hauler review etc, to share DSS performance and feedback;
  • Manage day-to-day interface with retail, terminal operations.
  • Support the training of new staff in coordination with the DSS Senior and TL and the Process Coach;
  • Proactively monitor and follow up on process deviations and quality issues in coaching other DSS team members
  • Analysing OTD KPIs together with the DSS TL
  • Manage deviation from plan, i.e. process in GSAP any post schedule amendments to the shift: Left on board, plant/depot change, load quantity changes, compartment changes, trip sequence change, vehicle change, orders scheduled not delivered
  • Receive urgent order requests and create urgent orders within framework of delivery promise. Provide feedback of changes to planned shipments to schedulers and scheduling admin team, particularly to VMI customers
  • Handle customer enquiries to change/amend orders, evaluate the real need and feasibility for scheduling changes, and liaise with scheduling team where appropriate. Ensure any Special Instructions noted on the orders have been processed
  • Investigate and resolve customer complaints. Ensure documentation and filing is accurate, up to date and accessible
Qualification required:
  • minimum 1 year experience in logistics with proven outstanding results
  • Leads continuous improvement in application of tools that support Supply Chain Management sustain Customer Satisfaction and deliver on CVP.
  • Utilize the right processes and tools to plan, monitor and improve scheduling performance against agreed KPIs.
  • Assesses the implications of HSSE requirements, customer on-site HSSE risk & discharge requirements of drivers and hauliers and work on solutions or alternatives to mitigate risk & discharge requirements of drivers and hauliers and work on solutions or alternatives to mitigate risk
  • Proactively looks for solutions and drives change and improvements in processes and practices to enhance customer experience.
  • Excellent stakeholder management
  • Excellent communication and issue resolution skills
  • Stress resistance
  • Ability to deal with non-standard situations
  • Ability to apply proper solution under time pressure
  • Proven strong commercial mindset & external focus
  • Dutch min. B2
Special Challenges:
  • Assess/handle unplanned issues arising from delivery/system constraints.
  • Continuously rotating shift system to provide 24-hour support ( 3 x 8 hr shifts per 24 hrs). Feedback effectively to scheduling team and scheduling admin
Thanks to cooperation with Shell you gain:
  • Meaningful work in a company that is universally respected as a truly global energy leader (one of the world’s biggest companies according to Fortune Global 500)
  • Good atmosphere at work and comfortable working environment: own canteen and a few relax rooms
  • Attractive salary package and yearly bonuses
  • Complex medical care and individual life insurance
  • Sport programmes and facilities e.g. Multisport Card, vouchers for free time activities
  • Additional funds for trainings and certifications, sport sections and the EuroShell Card
  • Bonus for referring your friend to work
Join Shell Business Operations and start something remarkable! Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer. People with disabilities are welcome to apply as we provide professional support and assistive technologies for people with diverse disabilities. We occasionally amend or withdraw Shell jobs and reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to the advertised closing date. Before applying, you are advised to read our data protection policy. This policy describes the processing that may be associated with your personal data and informs you that your personal data may be transferred to Royal Dutch/Shell Group companies around the world. The Shell Group and its approved recruitment consultants will never ask you for a fee to process or consider your application for a career with Shell. Anyone who demands such a fee is not an authorised Shell representative and you are strongly advised to refuse any such demand.

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

Meer vacatures in Polen

Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

Business Development Representative with Dutch-English (Krakow)

Hulp bij verhuizing

Polen, WarschauPolen, Warschau

Accounts Receivable Specialist with German and Dutch

Polen, WrocawPolen, Wrocaw

Executive Assistant with Dutch (hybrid model)

Polen, PoznanPolen, Poznan

Junior P&C Services Specialist with Dutch, Ingka Business Service Center

Polen, GdanskPolen, Gdansk

Identity and Access Management Analyst with Spanish or Dutch or Polish

Polen, PoznanPolen, Poznan

P&C Services Specialist with Dutch, Ingka Business Service Center


People Data & Payroll Administration Specialist with Dutch

Polen, WarschauPolen, Warschau

LQA Game Tester with Dutch

Polen, WarschauPolen, Warschau

Service& Spare Parts Coordination Specialist with Dutch

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Vind jouw appartement in Polen

Gedeelde kamers

Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

Room in shared apartment in Kraków






Mijn verblijf





Mijn verblijf


Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

ulica Nawrot, Łódź






Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers

Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

The price shown is per bed 8-bedroom house






Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers




Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers

Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

Room in shared apartment in Gda?sk







Mijn verblijf


Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

Studio apartment for rent in Retkinia, Łódź






Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers




Mijn verblijf


Polen, Krakau (Krakau)Polen, Krakau (Krakau)

ulica Piotrkowska, Łódź







Mijn verblijf