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Suriname, ParamariboSuriname, Paramaribo

Internet Ads Quality Rater - Dutch (Suriname)

Dutch Speaking Customer Service and Sales Representative | Remote (Suriname)
Suriname, ParamariboSuriname, Paramaribo

Dutch Speaking Customer Service and Sales Representative | Remote (Suriname)

Publicatie datum 13.09.2024

Ready to disrupt industries and work day and night to build the next big thing? Do you have a strong understanding of providing customer support through phone, email, chat, social media, and digital platform interactions? Do you see every interaction as a sales opportunity?

We are a dynamic e-commerce company currently looking for experienced Dutch Customer Service Agents to join our talented Customer Service Team working remotely from Suriname - to help us grow. As our new team member, you will work on our three leading brands within the Home & Living category and be involved in transforming our online webshops into industry leaders in the United States, Australia, UK, and European markets. An ideal candidate can turn a customer inquiry into a sales opportunity-we sell furniture online. 40% of our communication is LiveChat, 30% Emails, and 30% of our interactions are over the phone.

What you will do daily:
  • Conduct stellar communication with the customers via email, telephone, or LiveChat
  • Turn a conversation into a positive experience and support customers to buy (LiveChat, Email or Phone)
  • Assist with our website visitors through a Live Chat app;
  • Handle and timely respond to customer inquiries;
  • Turn the possible unfavorable situation into a positive one by listening, demonstrating compassion and expertise, and resolving the issue to benefit both the client and the company;
  • Boost the client satisfaction and our brand's Trustpilot rating;
  • Work closely with the logistics team to ensure timely delivery to our customers;
  • Assist in tracking shipped parcels and notify customers on request;
  • Follow up on inquiries and delayed payments;
  • Report any found issues to your supervisor or the relevant department;
  • Ensure a smoother shopping experience for customers by guiding them through the shopping process.

To be successful in this position, you should have:
  • Fluency in Dutch and confidence in using your language skills over the phone and in emails;
  • Experience in customer service-related positions (bonus points for the sales experience), enthusiasm and ambition to take it to the next level;
  • High level of energy and enthusiasm, positive mindset, and hands-on approach;
  • Proactivity and prioritization: get the things done attitude, ready to jump in and help, based on priority and urgency;
  • Great soft skills, especially communication, patience and empathy;
  • Resilience: coping well with pressure, open to receiving and adapting to feedback;
  • Multitasking: adapting to different situations in a limited amount of time;
  • Accountability: ability to work with little or no supervision;
  • Ability to learn fast, adjust and apply new knowledge, follow and execute defined processes and procedures;
  • Elaborate computer skills to comfortably navigate across different systems while speaking to customers;
  • Based in the Madagascar (anywhere)

Why ennovationHUB a good place for your next career step:
  • We want you to succeed. Your success is ours as well, so we will do everything we can to support you;
  • Lots of opportunities to grow professionally and get promoted;
  • Flexible working hours - work remotely within regular day shifts/night shifts or evening shifts;
  • Work from home - this job requires you to work from home;
  • Personal Development plans, helping your growth;
  • Competitive salary and benefits package;
  • Young and dynamic team in a diverse and friendly environment;
  • A truly international workplace, operating in multiple countries and markets across the globe.

We are looking for someone who will not only get the job done but also bring in positive energy, have a good time working, and make a difference. If you read this ad and thought, "Wow, they are describing my ideal workplace," we would love to hear from you.

Our diverse and international team will embrace successful candidates with different backgrounds, origins, walks of life, and personal beliefs as long as they get the work done and contribute to our culture.

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

Meer vacatures in Suriname

Suriname, ParamariboSuriname, Paramaribo

Internet Ads Quality Rater - Dutch (Suriname)

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