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Junior Procurement Specialist with either German/Spanish or Dutch
Slowakije, BratislavaSlowakije, Bratislava

Junior Procurement Specialist with either German/Spanish or Dutch

Publicatie datum 16.01.2025

We are Covestro. We are curious. We are courageous. We are colorful. We refine chemical material solutions with game-changing products. Let us empower you to push boundaries. Join us and our 18.000 colleagues now and together we will make the world a brighter place.

Manage all transactional business of procurement activities (Purchase Order Execution) and execute regional purchasing and order fulfillment management to meet required business performance

Main Responsibilities
  • Processing of Purchase Requisitions and release of Purchase Orders to suppliers according to Operational Sourcing Procedure and within quality and time constraints
  • Track and follow up Purchase Orders and deliveries to ensure security of supply
  • Documentation in SAP
  • Manage import licenses and end-use certificates for concerned raw materials
  • Manage availability issue resolution in coordination with requisitioners and planners
  • Coordinate delivery and quality non conformities in relation with respective plant stakeholders
  • Support investigation of root cause analysis on invoice non conformities
  • Support the timely follow-up on planning, quality and accounts payable escalations ensuring appropriate commercial relations with the supply base.
  • Manage operational supplier performance, on time in full
  • Resolve major supply issues and complaints in collaboration with Category Management/ Sourcing

Qualification Requirements

  • High school/University degree or equivalent experience
  • Self-disciplined, customer oriented with strong communication skills
  • Active English and either German/Spanish or Dutch
  • Open for a work in an international environment

The minimum offered salary is 1450 EUR. The salary can be higher depending on the candidate's skills and experience.

Are you as curious, courageous and colorful as we are? If so, we can offer you an exciting career opportunity. We look forward to receiving your application including a cover letter, resume/CV, and relevant certificates. Become part of our Team - apply now!

Contact Us

Covestro welcomes applications from all individuals, regardless of racial or ethnic origin, skin color, nationality, religion, philosophy, gender, age, physical characteristics, marital status, disability, appearance, sexual orientation and sexual identity. We are committed to treating all applicants fairly and avoiding discrimination.

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

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