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Meer vacatures in Portugal

Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Klantenservice in zonnig Lissabon – Incl. vlucht en accommodatie

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Sales and Marketing Expert in Lisbon! With relocation package

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Op zoek naar Nederlandstalige klantenservice talenten in het zonnige Portugal! (Verhuiskosten Vergoed!)

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Join the #1 Social Media App! Dutch-speaking Content Reviewers in Lisbon

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Dutch Speakers wanted to Portugal

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Dutch speakers wanted in Southern Europe

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Klantenservice in Portugal - incl. relocatie pakket!

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Klantenservice medewerker in Lissabon – Incl. relocatie pakket!

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Nederlandstalige Content Moderators in zonnig Lissabon!

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Receptionist (M/F) - Seagoing Position - Dutch or Flemish Speaker
Portugal, HavenPortugal, Haven

Receptionist (M/F) - Seagoing Position - Dutch or Flemish Speaker

Publicatie datum 09.04.2024

Company Description

Mystic Cruises is a leading expedition ocean cruise line that offers an intimate and eco-friendly way to explore some of the most breathtaking destinations in the world. We provide a five-star service that brings our guests up close and personal with the beauty of nature, from Antarctica to the Arctic region, Northern Europe to the Mediterranean. Our ships are designed to sail into landmark cities and small, exclusive ports that larger vessels cannot reach, providing our guests with unforgettable experiences.

At Mystic Cruises, we are committed to environmental sustainability and have implemented innovative technologies on our ships to minimize our impact on the environment. We also believe in the value of our employees and encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.

If you are passionate about travel, committed to sustainability, and eager to contribute your ideas to a team that values collaboration and innovation, then Mystic Cruises might be the perfect place for you. We are looking for talented individuals who want to be a part of our DNA and help us continue to provide exceptional experiences to our guests. Together Cruising the World! Come join us!

Job Description
  • To greet Guests in a professional manner;
  • To deal with Guest complaints and comments in an efficient and timely manner;
  • To provide Guests with information of shipboard services, including information on ports;
  • As each passenger checks in, ensure that:
    • They are in possession of the proper documents for boarding;
    • They are berthed in the proper cabin and correct key cards are distributed;
    • Credit card registering and administration;
  • To keep an accurate record and to follow up on lost and found items;
  • AVO issuance and follow up;
  • Keep inventory of office supplies;
  • Conduct wake up calls for Guests;
  • To deal with any maintenance issues which may arise in Guest areas and to report and follow up on the work orders in a timely manner;
  • To prepare the Birthday and Anniversary lists for Guests and to distribute it to all relevant Departments;
  • To handle any inquiries about credits and gratuities and to accept payments from Guests to their shipboard accounts;
  • To assist Guests with Disembarkation information and inquiries;
  • To handle check in for embarking Guests and also assist Guests who may disembark in way ports;
  • To assist the Chief Purser with Customs and Immigration paperwork when necessary;
  • Be aware of the procedures in regard to the key cards and assisting Guests with issuing of lost/replacement key cards;
  • To complete the Work Registration Form correctly every week and to submit it to the Chief Purser in a timely manner;
  • To adhere to all Company Policies and Procedures, Manuals and Directives;
  • Applying of charges to guest and crew shipboard accounts;
  • To do additional duties in other departments (provision, luggage etc,.) as necessary.

  • Hotel or Tourism School beneficial.
  • Minimum of two (2) years' experience in a luxury hotel in a Front Desk position or one (1) year experience onboard a cruise ship in a position with high Guest contact required;
  • Previous experience in cash handling/accounting beneficial;
  • Must be fluent in written and spoken Dutch or Flemish;
  • Must be fluent in written and spoken English;
  • Any additional language would be a plus;
  • Excellent interpersonal and public communication skills;
  • Must have very good administrative skills (proficient in Outlook, Word and Excel);
  • Very good organizational skills are necessary along with the ability to multitask;
  • Must possess ability to interact with all levels of people;
  • Must be able to remain calm under pressure;
  • Must be service minded with an outgoing, charming and friendly personality;

Additional Information

Financial Responsibilities
  • To be cost conscious with the use of office supplies, printed materials and other consumables;
  • To ensure that Company property is maintained properly and treated with respect at all times;

Safety Responsibilities
  • To be familiar with the Ship`s Emergency Plan;
  • To be aware of Safe Working Practices;

Emergency Duties
  • To follow instructions noted on Safety Card;
  • To participate in Guest/Crew Lifeboat Drills as per instructions;
  • Other safety responsibilities, as assigned, but not limited to the above;
  • Take part in safety drills. Team Communication and Meetings;
  • To attend orientation and training with the Purser Department every cruise;
  • To communicate with the Assistant Purser and Chief Purser on a regular basis.

Videos To Watch

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

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Sales and Marketing Expert in Lisbon! With relocation package

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Join the #1 Social Media App! Dutch-speaking Content Reviewers in Lisbon

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Dutch Speakers wanted to Portugal

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Dutch speakers wanted in Southern Europe

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Klantenservice in Portugal - incl. relocatie pakket!

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Klantenservice medewerker in Lissabon – Incl. relocatie pakket!

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Portugal, LissabonPortugal, Lissabon

Nederlandstalige Content Moderators in zonnig Lissabon!

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Vind jouw appartement in Portugal

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Mijn verblijf

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Mijn verblijf

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Portugal, HavenPortugal, Haven

Room for rent in 4-bedroom apartment in Benfica, Lisbon







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Portugal, HavenPortugal, Haven

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Portugal, HavenPortugal, Haven

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Mijn verblijf

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Portugal, HavenPortugal, Haven

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Mijn verblijf