De baan is vervallen!

Deze vacature is niet meer beschikbaar

Meer vacatures in Spanje

Spanje, MadridSpanje, Madrid

Online Host in Madrid! Werk 4 dagen per week in zonnig Spanje (1500€ verhuisbonus)

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist

Spanje, Madrid, MadridSpanje, Madrid, Madrid

Game Presenter in Madrid

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist

Spanje, MadridSpanje, Madrid

Dutch Game Master for an online casino in sunny Madrid (incl. relocation package)

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist

Spanje, MadridSpanje, Madrid

Werk als croupier voor een online casino in het zonnige Madrid (incl. relocatie pakket)!

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist

Spanje, Madrid, MadridSpanje, Madrid, Madrid

Online croupier in Madrid

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist


TUI Kids or Baby Club Host | EU Nationals | Qualified | Work Abroad

Hulp bij verhuizing


TUI Hotel or Service Rep | EU Nationals | Work Abroad

Hulp bij verhuizing

Spanje, MadridSpanje, Madrid

Researcher (fluent Dutch)

Spanje, granaatSpanje, granaat

Dutch HR Admin, Associate

TUI Airport Representative
Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

TUI Airport Representative

Publicatie datum 28.01.2020

Join TUI as a dedicated Airport Service Rep and be part of one of our international airport teams that work hard to deliver amazing holidays. If you are a fast learner, have good life and work experience, as well as profound local knowledge to help with working in your local destination. How you will make an impact  There are many ways for you to get involved:
  • Providing non-stop genuinely helpful service for guests of various nationalities at the start and end of their holidays 
  • Working varied hours - at the start of season as you learn the demands of the job and throughout the season to cover the flexible shift patterns of the flight programme 
  • Handling complaining or emotional guests, calming down escalating situations and fully resolving all guest or supplier problems on the spot  
  • Happy to support reactive larger scale situations including flight delays and strike action with a positive and professional attitude
  • Efficiently organising airport paperwork – often needing re-organising at speed and short notice
  • Working very much as one international airport team supporting colleagues and guests of all nationalities 
  • Creating great supplier relationships to help assist with your day to day role in the airport
What you will bring  There is more than one way to the perfect fit – here are some of the ideal things:
  •  Most importantly - be a genuinely helpful person with the experience or natural ability to provide great service to guests of varying nationalities
  • Staying power, perseverance and willing to work flexible hours are critical 
  • The initiative and confidence to solve guest problems on the spot – remains calm in a crisis
  • Maturity, life or work experience to handle living and working in our busy destination airports   
  • Efficient, organised and in general quick to learn  
  • High personal standards and takes pride in the uniform 
  • Experience of working with people in a service environment advantageous
  • You speak fluently Dutch, with a good verbal and written English - additional languages advantageous
TUI and you
  • Competitive salary and benefits  
  • Private health insurance, visa, work permit and criminal check costs are all-included  
  • iPad, return flights, accommodation & uniform as standard
  • Develop yourself working as part of an international team, through our free global learning plans, language lessons, learning weeks and junior management development programmes
  • 115 destinations offering more career opportunities than any other travel company
  • TUI One Share – option to buy discounted TUI Shares after six month’s service 
  • Feel like a valued individual of TUI - the No.1 global and socially responsible travel company
TUI Destination Experiences, or TUI DX for short, is the world’s leading provider of destination experiences with 9,000 employees in 49 countries and global office locations including Mallorca, Luton and Hannover. TUI DX offer 14million guests a portfolio of excursions, activities, tours, transfers and guest services.   If you want to know more about why TUI Group is the world’s leading tourism group, and our work in the diversity & inclusion space, simply visit  

We streven ernaar om betrouwbare informatie over elke baan te hebben. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als er iets niet klopt of als je technische problemen hebt gevonden.

Meer vacatures in Spanje

Spanje, MadridSpanje, Madrid

Online Host in Madrid! Werk 4 dagen per week in zonnig Spanje (1500€ verhuisbonus)

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist

Spanje, Madrid, MadridSpanje, Madrid, Madrid

Game Presenter in Madrid

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist

Spanje, MadridSpanje, Madrid

Dutch Game Master for an online casino in sunny Madrid (incl. relocation package)

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist

Spanje, MadridSpanje, Madrid

Werk als croupier voor een online casino in het zonnige Madrid (incl. relocatie pakket)!

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist

Spanje, Madrid, MadridSpanje, Madrid, Madrid

Online croupier in Madrid

Hulp bij verhuizing

Geen ervaring vereist


TUI Kids or Baby Club Host | EU Nationals | Qualified | Work Abroad

Hulp bij verhuizing


TUI Hotel or Service Rep | EU Nationals | Work Abroad

Hulp bij verhuizing

Spanje, MadridSpanje, Madrid

Researcher (fluent Dutch)

Spanje, granaatSpanje, granaat

Dutch HR Admin, Associate

Checklist voor internationale sollicitaties
Checklist voor internationale sollicitaties
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Wonen en werken in Madrid
Wonen en werken in Madrid
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Vind jouw appartement in Spanje

Gedeelde kamers

Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

Room for rent in 7-bedroom apartment in Barcelona







Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers

Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

Bright room with double bed equipped for students






Mijn verblijf


Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

Carrer de Villarroel, Barcelona







Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers

Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

Spacious room in 4-bedroom apartment in Chamartín, Madrid







Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers

Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

Room for rent in 5-bedroom apartment in Madrid





Mijn verblijf


Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

Neat 3-bedroom apartment for rent in Carabanchel, Madrid







Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers

Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

Room for rent in 4-bedroom apartment in Barcelona







Mijn verblijf

Gedeelde kamers

Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

Room in shared apartment in Madrid







Mijn verblijf


Spanje, Algorta, Baskenland, SpanjeSpanje, Algorta, Baskenland, Spanje

1-bedroom apartment for rent in Centro, Madrid







Mijn verblijf